Watton-at-Stone Primary and Nursery School

Rectory Lane, Watton-At-Stone, Hertfordshire, SG14 3SG

01920 830233


all classes are named after inspirational artists this year. we are named after sir quentin blake.


Blake ClASS

OUR TEACHER IS Mr ring, OUR TEACHING ASSISTANTs are MRS GUGERLY and mrs Bell. Ms Ramirez teaches us on Thursday afternoons and Mrs stevens teaches our pe lessons on Mondays and wednesdays.


Class Information:

  • PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please come to school in PE kit on both of these days. 
  • Lunch boxes need to be named and placed on the Year 2 shelf. 
  • Uniform needs to be named and in line with our school uniform policy. 
  • Homework is set every Friday and due in on the following Wednesday. 
  • Spellings are tested every Friday. Scores and new spellings to learn will be sent home every week via Marvellous Me. 
  • Reading should be done at home at least 5 times a week and recorded in your orange home reading journal. 
  • Book changing days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
  • Water bottles should be in school every day and then taken home to be washed each evening. 
  • Snacks are provided for the KS1 classes however, if you wish to bring your own snack into school please ensure it is either a piece of fruit or vegetable. 
  • Marvellous Me is an APP we use to send home messages, badges and marvellous updates about the children.

Spring 1 homework options

SPRING Term Timetable: