School Values
In school we have ten school values. Our values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
These values form the foundation of all pupil relationships and guide the children in the decisions they make, both inside and outside the classroom. It is the responsibility of all the adults within the school community to ensure that these values are promoted and adhered to on an everyday basis. We look for frequent opportunities to celebrate and reward those who strive to be the best they can be.
School Vision
Recently, we have written our new school vision and involved many of the stakeholders within the school community within this process. This has included the staff, parents, Governors and children. This new vision is a statement which outlines our hopes/aspirations for the future of all pupils.
We wanted our vision to:
- be easily recalled by the children and adults
- be aligned with our school values
- be unique to our school
- be ambitious
- show what we are passionate about