Watton-at-Stone Primary and Nursery School

Rectory Lane, Watton-At-Stone, Hertfordshire, SG14 3SG

01920 830233


WELCOME TO SEurat Class (Year 4)


Each class throughout the school is named after an artist. We are named after the artist Georges Seurat.

Georges Seurat was a French painter. He was born in 1859 in Paris, France and died in 1891.

Seurat is well-known for a style of painting called pointillism. Pointillism is when painters use dots or marks of colour to create paintings.


Mrs Gill (Class Teacher)

                                                                                          Miss Ramirez (HLTA)


Welcome to Seurat Class (information from meeting)

Seurat Class - Spring Term Curriculum Leaflet

Multiplication Tables Check - Information for Parents/Carers

Year 4 Parents/Carers Book Mark (reading questions)

PE days - Thursdays (indoor) and

                    Fridays (outdoor)   


Class Information

  • PE: Our PE days are Thursdays and Fridays. Please send your child to school in their PE kits and remove any jewellery if they are unable to remove it themselves. If you are unable to remove your child's earrings, please put tape over these.   
  • Reading: Please listen to your child read at least five times a week. Talk about what they are reading and ask questions about their book. You can use the bookmark questions we have sent you (also available to download using the link above). Home Reading Record Books will be checked once weekly and your child can earn house points if they read at least five times or more. Thank you for your support with this. 
  • Homework: Homework will be sent out on a Friday and Homework Books need to be returned to school the following Wednesday. Please see School Homework Policy homework-policy-2023.doc
  • Spellings/times tables: Spellings and times tables tests will take place on Friday and your child's weekly score will be sent home in their Homework Book. 
  • Water Bottles: These should be brought into school daily and taken home to be washed. 

Purple mash - Your child can log on at home to complete extra work or to practise their times tables.  

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check - The children will be completing their Year 4 multiplication check in June 2025. To ensure that they are fully prepared, we will be regularly practising multiplication facts in class. To support this at home, you can access TTrockstars at www.ttrockstars.com, practise games at www.purplemash.co.uk or practise a check using an example on www.timestables.co.uk 


Useful resources for children to practise times tables:


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