Watton-at-Stone Primary and Nursery School

Rectory Lane, Watton-At-Stone, Hertfordshire, SG14 3SG

01920 830233


Welcome to The MOORE Class 

(Year 6)

Henry Moore is considered the most prominent British sculptor of the 20th century, and his work had a strong influence on contemporary figural sculpture.

Although he was born in Castleford, Yorkshire, he studied at the Leeds School of Art and the Royal College of Art in London. He also trained to be a teacher.

Whilst in London, he painted pictures of the underground stations being used as shelters during WWII.

During the Blitz, he moved with his wife to Perry Green, near Much Hadham. He remained there until he died.

In year 6, we study his art work alongside our history topic of WWII and then focus on his sculptures in art.

In the summer term, we will be visiting his home, which is now part of the Henry Moore Foundation.

Teaching Staff


           Mrs Roberts       Mrs Shortland       Ms Shadbolt     Mrs Stevens     Ms Ramirez     

                  Class Teacher            Class TA                 KS2 Support         PE - Mon pm        HLTA PPA cover

                                                 (Every morning)                                      Tue pm                Friday am / pm                                                                                                                                             

Class Information

  • SCHOOL UNIFORM AND BOOK BAGS - Please adhere to the school uniform policy and ensure that all items are labelled.
  • PE: This will take place on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Mrs Stevens will be leading Sports-Hall practice and Tag Rugby lessons.
  • WATER BOTTLES - to be brought into school daily and taken home to be washed 
  • HOMEWORK: (See School Policy) homework-policy-2024.doc  

Homework will be given out on a Friday to be completed and returned by Wednesday the following week. Please ensure your child completes all of their homework every week as we mark it together in Year 6 and they need to be actively involved in the lesson. A note will be attached to their homework books each week, but below is a quick reminder.

  • Spelling: test on Friday 
  • Maths task: Individual CGP books - questions linked to class work that week
  • Comprehension Task: either Reading Plus or a set Comprehension task for those no longer on Reading Plus 
  • Reading: 5x a week (or more). Those with Literacy Gold can also use the comprehension task as part of their 5x-a-week
  • Grammar - weekly task set in CPG book