Contact Us
Watton at Stone Primary and Nursery School Watton at Stone Preschool
Rectory Lane Clappers Lane
Watton at Stone Watton at Stone
Hertford Hertford
SG14 3SG SG14 3QA
Tel: 01920 830233 Tel: 01920 830590
Fax: 01920 830582 Email:
Our office staff are: Sara French and Sue Bunyan (in the main school office) and Julia Donger (in the pre school office).
They are happy to help you with any queries you may have.The main school office is open from 8am - 4pm and the pre school office is open from 8.30am - 12pm.
Please report any website errors, problems and difficulties to the above mailbox. We also welcome your comments, suggestions and feedback sent to this mailbox, which we can use to improve our website.
If you require a paper copy of any information on our website please speak to one of the ladies in the school office.
Headteacher: Nikki Etienne
Deputy Head: Sukhi Gill
SENCO: Andrea Hawkins
Designated Safeguarding Leads: Nikki Etienne, Sukhi Gill and Elise Chatman
Please contact the SENCO via or 01920 830233
If you would like to email either the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, SENCO or any of the teachers, then please complete the contact form (see below) and your details will be passed to them.
Chair of Governors: Jessica Bentley and Liz Aston