Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Development
At Watton at Stone Primary and Nursery School, we promote spiritual, moral, social and education throughout the school day, every day.
SMSC education is defined as:
Spiritual -
The growth of a sense of self, unique potential, understanding of strengths and weaknesses, a will to achieve, questions and challenges and recognise a need to address one’s none material well-being.
We develop spiritual education through:
- Curriculum plans, including Religious Education ( a multi-faith approach based upon the Hertfordshire guidelines)
- Whole school assemblies and celebrations of a wide range of spiritual leaders
- Outdoor Learning
- Residential Visits
- Sporting Activities
- Christian Harvest, Easter celebrations, and Christmas celebrations including Carol Services in the church
- Nurture group
- Visits from faith groups
Time to reflect upon learning and experiences
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Moral -
An understanding of the difference between right, wrong, moral conflict, developing concern for others reflection on the consequences of actions and making responsible moral decisions and acting on them.
We develop moral education through:
- Curriculum plans, including PSHE when pupils have the opportunity to learn different points of view through discussion and debate
- Whole school Assemblies and the explicit discussion of school values
- Weekly school Values assemblies
- Regular discussions about personal conduct, behaviour and citizenship
- Anti-bullying activities and Anti-bullying week
- E-Safety teaching
- Circle times
- Celebration of children who are achieving the Great to be Gold in class and Head teachers Awards
- Child participation in a range of pupil groups: School Parliament, Charity appeals
Cultural -
An understanding of cultural traditions, appreciate and respond to a variety of aesthetic experiences; respect for one’s own culture/s and the cultures of others; a curiosity about difference; an ability to contribute to culture
We develop cultural education through:
- Curriculum, including both core and foundation subjects
- School visits to museums, galleries, concerts, theatre visits
- Meeting authors
- Opportunities to take part in school productions /Performances
- Singing assemblies for all years
- Opportunities for individual instrumental lessons
- Visits from people of different cultures
- MFL teaching and learning
Social -
A realisation of responsibilities and rights, ability to relate to others, work with them for the common good, a sense of belonging and the awareness of the need and possibility of making an active contribution to society.
We develop social education through:
- Pupil Groups including: School Parliament
- Residential visits in year 4 and 6
- Educational visits
- Afterschool clubs including: Dance, football, choir
- Brass lessons for year 5
- Participation in Music/Dance events: Music Festivals at Royal Festival Hall
- Transition visits
- Play Ambassadors
- Participation in Charity support: Charity enterprise projects, Children in Need, Red Nose Day
- Participation in Sporting events
- School house sports competitions