At Watton at Stone Primary School we aim to provide varied after school experiences, where pupils can enjoy a range of creative, artistic and sporting activities, explore new skills and have fun. Some clubs are led voluntarily by school staff and others are led by specialist outside agencies. Please see links below to view the enrichment clubs that we are running this term. Clubs are communicated termly via e-mail and the school newsletter. Please note that clubs that run after school need to be booked via the Parent Portal App or the external agencies for safeguarding reasons. If you are unable to 'checkout' this may mean the club is already full.
We also run some lunchtime clubs too for children in KS1 and KS2 and there is no requirement for children to be booked onto these clubs. Children can choose whether they attend these on a week by week basis and can be accessed directly via the playground.
Our aim is to ensure all enrichment clubs are accessible to all children in our school. If you require any support in being able to access these clubs, please contact