Watton-at-Stone Primary and Nursery School

Rectory Lane, Watton-At-Stone, Hertfordshire, SG14 3SG

01920 830233


Year 3 
Morris Class

Our teacher is Miss Oakley. 

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Sargeaunt and Mrs Lee in the mornings and Mrs Bunce in the afternoons. 

Mrs Stevens teaches us PE and Ms Ramirez teaches us on Monday mornings. 

Class Information:

  • PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please come to school in PE kit on both of these days. 
  • Lunch boxes need to be named. 
  • Uniform needs to be named and in line with our school uniform policy. 
  • Homework is set every Friday and due in every Wednesday. 
    The children are expected to complete 1 reading comprehension task from their CPG booklet and 1 times table task from their CPG booklet every week. 
    There will be a maths task set fortnightly which will be directly linked to the unit of learning we are covering at school. 
    There will be optional homework activities set each half term. 
  • Spellings are tested every Friday. Scores will be recorded in the children's homework book and new spellings will be sent home each week via Marvellous Me. 
  • Reading should be done at home at least 5 times a week and recorded in the orange home reading journal. 
  • Water bottles should be in school every day and then taken home to be washed each evening. 
  • Milk is available to order via the admin office. 
  • Marvellous Me is an APP we use to send home messages, badges and marvellous updates about the children.

    Click here to view the parent information PowerPoint

Year 3 Homework Choices - Spring Term 2: 

Class timetable:

Spring term curriculum map: